There’s a reason McPherson County has some of Kansas’s highest ratings for education: it’s a high priority. We credit our five strong public school districts and two private schools with the fact that 90% of adults have high school diplomas, and 22% have bachelor’s degrees or higher.
High School
Bachelor’s Degree
or Higher
ACT work ready certificates than any other Kansas county
Extensive training options for industrial businesses
As part of the Hutchinson Community College (HCC) service area, McPherson County has a great breadth of training available for industrial businesses. HCC is the lead institution in the state of Kansas for the Manufacturing Skills Certificate, and they offer credit, non-credit and custom training to address your workforce needs.

14 Colleges and Universities Nearby
McPherson County is home to three college campuses: McPherson College, Bethany College, and Central Christian College. And we’re within an easy drive of eleven more.

McPherson College (McPherson), Central Christian College (McPherson), Bethany College (Lindsborg), Hutchinson Community College (Hutchinson), Sterling College (Sterling), Kansas State University – Salina (Salina), Kansas Wesleyan University (Salina), Tabor College (Hillsboro), Hesston College (Hesston), Bethel College (North Newton), Friends University (Wichita), Newman University (Wichita), Wichita Area Technical College (Wichita), Wichita State University (Wichita)